Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Great weather to end Acadia National Park -- Sunday August 3, 2013

Our weather during these two weeks has been iffy at best.  We would have a sunny day followed by 2 days of rain only to repeat it again.  Hard to get excited about camping up here when everything is damp!

We did go out to eat a few times.  Spending money always feels good:)
Bar Harbor shopping

We did the required walk around the town of Bar Harbor.  Lots of touristy shops with lots of people doing the same window shopping we were doing.  There was even a large cruise ship that comes into the port.  Good for the economy.

Speaking of economy, things must be getting better throughout the world---an awful lot of people traveling here do not speak English!

View while having tea at Jordan Pond
 On Saturday I had reservations at Jordon Pond Restaurant.  Have you heard of it?  If you ever come here for vacation, this is a MUST--tea at Jordon Pond.  We were on the lawn since we had Monty with us.  He was very well behaved despite the other number of dogs out there.  Everyone said how handsome he was !

We don't actually have tea when we go--we have iced tea with Lobster Stew and Popovers!  The Lobster Stew is chunky with delicious Lobster and the Popovers come with butter and jam. They are to die for! 

Otter Cove
Our last day was sunny!  Ed took Monty for a hike to Cadillac mountain to celebrate.  They both did great--all back in one piece.  When I picked them up I made sure we had our cooler with us.  We found a quiet spot at Otter Cove to park our chairs overlooking the water and had our wine to celebrate a good day.

Tomorrow we head to Cobscook Bay State Park on Rt 1 near Lubec, Maine.

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