Sunday, July 15, 2012

Everything free comes with a cost!

Tuesday July 9, 2012

Yes, this park is very pretty and I really did get less concerned the longer we sat there.  I'm not sure how the neighborhood houses handle having transients drop by this park all the time, but it's very quiet.

I went to bed about 9:30.  It was still light out and Ed stayed up reading.  A good night sleep was expected before we head to Glacier National Park in the morning.

Alas, it's not to be.  I probably haven't mentioned the fact that we have seen tons of trains pulling dozens of freight cars each day in North Dakota and Montana. They aren't seen much on Cape Cod (!), but I guess transportation of goods by train is pretty standard still in the west.

We discovered that this Park is within a block of the railroad tracks and since they apparently transport more during the night then during the day, the train whistles blew at least 8 times during the night.  Even my ear plugs didn't help keep out this noise. So even though the space was free for the night...sleep was not!

Monty makes his usual wake up call at 5:30 am.  We are packed and leave our site by 8 am. The drive to Glacier National Park--East wing--seems to be a straight shot on US 2.  It's really amazing how from the middle of Minnesota to the Rockies in Montana the land is totally flat as far as the eye can see. 

In fact, as we travel, we see a HUGH field of Wind Mills in Cut Bank, MT! They really are majestic looking.  Then all of a sudden, after passing Cut Bank, Montana,
you can see the mountains pop up!  There is still snow on those mountains and the thermometer on the car indicates it's above 90 degrees.  It will feel good to
be in cooler weather! 

The heat is a killer for me--actually for both of us.  Neither of us like it which is why
we don't travel in the South during the summer.  Could that be worse then this heat has been?

Well, we're finally here!  This is one of the major destinations Ed & I had on our wish list for this summer!  Glacier National Park can't be beat!

Lake at Two Medicine looking at Glacier National Park
After having traveled so much flat lands, these peaks are even more beautiful then I remember them.  And, there is still snow on some of the mountains!  Ed promises me that it won't be nearly as hot here as it has been so far on this trip!

Two Medicine Campground--Site 15
We arrive at Two Medicine Campground before noon so we should get a good spot.  Surprisingly, though, most of the primo spots (i.e. water or mountain peak views) are taken.  We pick out one of the largest spots we find and settle in for a week.  I prefer that even to the smaller spots with good views.

We had stopped at an Albertson's Grocery store to get some provisions for at least a week.  Glad we did!  This is in Indian country and there are NO stores around for many, many miles.  Ice is about all we'll get at the camp store.

There is no internet or cell service here.  I may take a long ride back to Cut Bank in a few days, but if not, we'll probably be here until Tuesday July 17, 2012.

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