Sunday, July 29, 2012

Going-to-the-Sun Road

Thursday July 26, 2012

I never get tired of this ride!  This road has to be one of the most spectacular in the country!  Going-to-the-Sun Road is the only road through the heart of Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. It was completed in 1932, and it is the only road that crosses the park, going over the Continental Divide at Logan Pass.  The mountain views keep me in awe with every corner we ride!

We make our sunset cruise one evening after dinner and are not disappointed.  We start from our campground at Avalanche Campground and drive up to Logan Pass.  Logan Pass is the highest point  on the Going-to-the-Sun Road located along the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park. It's evening, so the crowd of sightseers are gone.  The highway crews who are repairing the roads are put away for the night and it's clear sailing for us.

The road is windy and hugs the jutting rocks on one side.  The side by the 'fall aways' are made like the rock walls lining Acadia National Park in Maine.  Not sure if they would prevent you from falling over the edge but they are pretty! 

We are treated to seeing a deer up close as well as a long horned sheep and mountain goat.  Not a lot of wildlife, but enough to know you are around Mother Nature and she is spectacular!

Going-to-the-Sun Road, as well as the entire Glacier National Park should be on every one's Bucket List!  Whether you see it while camping, touring, or hoteling does not matter.  We are blessed to have one of the most spectacular areas in our country and you are truly missing it if you do not come see this!  The trip is more then worth the effort!

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